Why Is Using Food as Art Beneficial or Harmful

Past Donovan Gauvreau in Inquiry> Fine art Movements

Whenever you come across still life paintings depicting things like bread, fruits and vegetables, you're actually seeing the results of a long tradition of food in fine art.

Historical studies bear witness that the Greeks and Romans prided themselves in the realistic delineation of food in artworks. A glass bowl of fruit was commonly included in Roman paintings to boast of the delicacies that the rich citizens of Rome enjoyed, and of the generous hospitality they had to offering.

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Fifty-fifty farther back, archaeologists accept plant drawings of nutrient on the walls of Egyptian pyramids. In ancient Egyptian culture information technology was believed that those drawings, through magical backdrop, would nourish those gone on to the after life.

Things oasis't inverse much since and then. . . today you will find depictions of nutrient on the walls of restaurants, people's homes and in hotels. Nosotros don't necessarily believe that they attend the states like the Egyptians did but we exercise clearly find something very appealing, comforting almost, by having paintings of nutrient.

However life fine art during the Renaissance

During the Renaissance period, still life objects (often including food) were subtly incorporated into paintings with religious themes. Realism and meticulous item were prized, and in the late 15th century as interest in strictly religious paintings waned, everyday objects such every bit vases of flowers became popular by themselves.

In the 16th and 17th centuries there was increased interest in scientific examination, and as a result, inanimate objects were studied and depicted past artists in their near realistic form.

At the forefront of the food-painting motion were the Dutch realists whose impressive kitchen and marketplace paintings featured various displays of food fare on counters and tables.

Willem Kalf Still Life

The painting above, by Willem Kalf (1619-1693), is i of many paintings made in that time period depicting lavish banquets for wealthy patrons.

Modern still life paintings with food

French artist Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) is renowned for his numerous paintings of fruit. He enthusiastically adopted the still life genre, and his withal life illustrations are viewed as a mixture of both traditional and modern—traditional considering the fruits and vegetables are like shooting fish in a barrel to identify, but mod because they are meant to exist decorative items, not exact representations.

Cezanne'southward piece of work entitled Nonetheless Life with Fruit Basket is a good example of a stylized representation of food in art.

Cezanne - still life with fruit basket

This magnificent tableau consists of a small wooden table draped in white fabric which supports a basket containing several apples and pears. One of the most notable modern elements in this painting is that the fruit basket appears sit down both on the tabular array AND on the flooring backside it.

Impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) added his own particular way to the genre of all the same life paintings. His series of sunflower paintings are well-known, simply he too produced many paintings that included food, such as this one below.

Van Gogh Still Life

Other famous nutrient paintings by Van Gogh were However Life with Quinces and Lemons and Still Life with Carafe and Lemons.

Gimmicky yet life food paintings

For many artists, the reason for painting such ordinary objects like staff of life or fruit is simply to demonstrate their compositional skill, lighting techniques, or to show how well they can brand these items come up to life on canvas.

In the by century, artists have taken to depicting more than contemporary food, too. For instance, pop artist Andy Warhol criticized or emphasized social issues by painting ordinary soup cans—and the painting beneath past Ralph Goings, entitled A-1 Sauce, is simply a drove of condiments on a tabular array, illuminated past light from a window.

A1 Sauce by Ralph Goings

Not a traditional romantic image, certainly, but the hues, shapes and composition all work together to create an undeniable mood that captures the viewer's attending.

Whether created to express bountiful harvests, to avowal the artist's talent, or to communicate an opinion, food in art is yet very prevalent today. . . and no dubiousness information technology volition remain then as long as both fine art and nutrient exist in the world.

Donovan Gauvreau is an fine art historian and art therapy speaker. You can read more of his articles at world wide web.AaronArtPrints.org .


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Source: https://emptyeasel.com/2009/04/16/the-long-history-of-food-in-art/

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